Monday, May 13, 2013

Top 20 Reasons I Love Being a Mom

Happy Mother's Day!!!
Hope all you mom's had a fabulous Mother's least I can get away with saying that for another 30 minutes or so since it's pushing midnight.  Whoops.  I intended to do this earlier in the day, but as usual my little old blog got neglected again and I chose to put it off until the last minute:)
I have no idea who still looks at this blog or if anyone even remembers it still exists because I have been so bad about updating it in the last oh..... 8 months!!!!  So I may be blogging for the sole purpose of reminding myself what happened in the last several months....and I am okay with that!  I've taken a personal hiatus from both our family blog and my little recipe blog for several months now, and my only excuse is I just haven't had time.  Between me working more, the kids school and after school activities, and normal every day commitments, I've just been tired.  Every time I think about getting around to updating it, I simply choose to do something else.  Like go play with my kids, or make a batch of brownies, or look at pinterest (and wish I had time to try all the things I pin).  And yes, I could of stayed up late at night to blog like I used to do, but I've been trying to actually go to bed earlier these days.  Okay, I won't lie.  Sometimes I do go to bed early, but most of the time I watch my "girl shows" as my husband would call them on TV.  Anyway, I've decided to get back on track and get back to blogging.  Because, as time consuming as it is for me to blog, I truly enjoy doing it.  Not only do I get to reflect on what's going on in our lives for our friends and family to see (if anybody actually reads this)....but it's such a great way for me capture our memories and pictures so that I don't forget about them.  I used to love going back and looking at this blog when I started it, way back when, and seeing how the kids grew and changed....not to mention reading all the funny things we went through.  So, I will pretend like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter never happened this year, and I will start fresh with Mother's Day!
I was inspired by another blog I recently read to do a "Top 10" things you love about being a mom.  I loved the idea of this, but quickly had to change mine to "Top 20" because I couldn't fit them all in.  So, if this gets a little long winded I just means that I love my kids a lot:)
Top 20 Reasons I Love Being a Mom to Hannah and Hunter
(in no particular order)

1.)I love watching them grow and learn.  As I said before, I love looking back at old pictures and seeing how much they have changed.  Part of me is sad because I know they won't stay little for long.  The other part of me is in awe of the kids they have already become. 

 2.)I secretly love the fact that Hunter is the messiest eater on the planet.  It doesn't matter what it is, by the time he is done it will be all over his face, his clothes, the floor, etc.  The child truly enjoys eating and doesn't hold back.  It used to drive me nuts, but it's a trait I've come to love about him.  It's just a boy thing I guess, but still somewhat endearing.  Probably because he smiles really big at you when he's finished making his mess:)

3.)I love that Hannah loves to "mother".  Not only is she obsessed with all of my friends who have babies these days, she also has a full swing daycare for her baby dolls in her bedroom upstairs.  She sits in her room and plays "mom" or "teacher" to them and has a ball doing it.  She's just now started getting into playing with her Barbie collection, but her baby dolls are still her top choice.

4.)I love that my kids (and husband) love me unconditionally.  It's comforting to know that you don't have to be perfect all the time, and they still love you no matter what.  If I've had a hard day, or I loose my cool, they simply forgive me and move on.  That kind of love is hard to find.

5.)I love hearing about their days at school.  I never knew Kindergarten was so full of drama!  But I never get tired of hearing them tell me about their classroom adventures.

6.)I love cooking for them.  Well, not always.  Sometimes it's the last thing I want to be doing when I'm really tired.  But, to hear them tell me "Mom, you're the best cooker in the whole world" or "Mom, you're the best snackbuilder in the universe" makes it totally worth it in every way.

7.)I love that Hannah loves to have me paint her nails.  It's kind of turned into our girly time.  You could probably ask her if she would rather go to the zoo or have her nails painted, and I bet she would choose the last option:)

8.)I love that Hunter is obsessed with soccer.  He literally lives and breathes soccer right now.  Everyday when he gets home from school he puts it on the soccer channel and watches the pros play, and he has turned into quite the soccer player on his own team this year.  I've never been into competitive sports, but there's nothing like watching your child score a goal and see the excitement on his face.

9.)I love going upstairs to watch them sleep.  I know that sounds weird, but every now and then (maybe once a week) Kevin and I will sneak upstairs before we go to bed just to look at them.  It's calming for me just to see how peaceful they are when they sleep and it reminds me how deeply we love them every time we do it.

10.)Speaking of, I love how much the kids love their Daddy.  Kevin is an amazing father and they have so much fun with him.  Yes, they can all be pretty mischievous together sometimes, but I am so grateful to have a husband who is so involved and active in their life. 
11.)I love getting notes from my kids.  Pretty much everyday I get at least one random note saying "I love you mom" with little stick figures of our family.  I pretty much save all of them.  Sometimes their folded up or taped together with 50 pieces of tape....I love them all.
12.)I love hearing my kids sing.  Hunter is pretty vocal all the time and he's not too shy about singing upon request.  He can actually carry a tune too (maybe he will be like his Daddy)!  Hannah, on the other hand, will usually only sing when she thinks no one is paying attention....pretty much like me I guess.  I love when she's upstairs playing with her dolls singing her heart out when she thinks no one is listening.  I guess they forget that we have a monitor in our bedroom and we can hear whatever they do upstairs.  Yes, we still have a baby's so old it only works on two channels!
13.)Speaking of Hannah, I love that she reminds me so much of myself.  I guess that could be frightening at the same time!  Little things she says and the expressions that she makes, along with her personality is a dead ringer for how I am sometimes.  Kevin reminds me that all the time.  Like mother, like daughter I guess.  Except for her ability to hula hoop.....I have no idea where she got that from:)

14.)I love going on a date with my husband.  While this doesn't happen as often as it probably should, I'm a firm believer in "a little time away, makes you a better mom".  We all need a break every now and then, and I enjoy when we get one....even though all we usually do is talk about our kids:)

15.)I love that my kids have made our house into a home.  That may sound corny, but Kevin and I (with an emphasis on Kevin) are pretty intense when it comes to the way our house looks.  The less clutter, the better.  With kids though, that's just impossible, and we have come to realize that.  It's comforting to see soccer balls and backpacks in our house, even the million little ponytail holders I find (that drive Kevin crazy) reminds me that our house is lived in now and that's a really good thing.

16.)I love watching America's Funniest Home Video's with my family.  I know it's totally old school, and most of the episodes we watch, I've probably seen 100 times, but it's still become one of my favorite things we do as a family after/during dinner.  There's not a lot of TV shows you can watch with kids, and for some reason we all get a kick out of seeing people make fools of themselves!

17.)I love that our kids make me laugh.  Like, all the time.  Whether it's an impromptu break dance from Hunter in the middle of the floor, or one of the many knock-knock jokes that they make up together, they always have a way of cracking me up at just the right time.

18.)I love watching the way our kids love each other.  They definitly share a special bond with each other.  And while there are some days they fight and annoy each other (like brother and sisters do), those days are outnumbered by the amount of joy and fun they have with each other.  I love watching them play and seeing how connected they are to one another.  I pray that they continue to stay close as they get older and older.
19.)I love the fact that I still have a lot to learn about motherhood.  That's the interesting thing about parenting for kind of learn as you go.  I knew nothing about kids before I had them.  Now, I know a lot more than I did, but still have so many things to learn and improve upon.  I have a feeling that will always be the case, but I consider that a good thing!
20.)I love that the Lord has blessed me beyond measure with the ability to be a mother to these two children, and I am beyond grateful that He has allowed me the opportunity to raise my family with a loving husband.

So, now that I have finally finished this incredibly long is no longer technically Mother's Day!  Looks like I stayed up way past my bedtime happy LATE Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Great pictures, Mandy! I hope you had a great summer with your family! My name is Heather and I just have a question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at) :-)