Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Our jibber-jabbering, corn-on-the-cob eating, fireman hat wearing, little sleepyheads"

The title of this pretty much sums up what we have been up to for the last week. These two are certainly keeping us thouroughly entertained. Our days are pretty much spent trying to figure out how to keep two 20 month olds entertained for 10 hours a is a lot of work, but so much fun! I am really loving the age they are at right now, they are changing so fast everday!

Today was Mother's Day-so happy Mom's Day to all you mothers out there! We started out the day going to church with was great as usual, then came back home to snack and let them grab a quick nap. After that we headed to Keith and Jana's house for crawfish. The crawfish were yummy, and Hannah and Hunter had a blast running around their backyard, and playing with ALL of Kaitlyn's toys. Kevin and I were actually able to eat some crawfish ourselves with no major interupptions this time thanks to their Gammy Pam's idea to bring some corn-on-the-cob. As you will see in the pictures to follow-that is their favorite "new" thing. I am starting to let them have bigger pieces of food to experiment with, and who would have thought that a simple cob of corn could occupy a them for such a LONG time!

After Keith and Jana's we headed to my mom's to let them play with some of the new toys she got for them, then we went to see my Dad and Kim and ended up eating dinner there with them. My dad made some delicious sour cream enchiladas and a HUGE bowl of "whockamole" as he called it. When we visit my dad, Hunter's favorite thing to do is stack their Dr. Pepper cans. They have some 12-packs on the floor of the kitchen, and it never fails-the minute we walk through the door, he starts taking them out and stacking and sorting them. They said they didn't mind, and we figured if it kept him entertained then what's the harm?? In the back of my mind I knew we probably shouldn't let him do it, and always wondered if they ever had any explosions after we left. Well, tonight as we were eating dinner, we had a major spew. I thought a bomb had gone off for a second until I realized that the stuff spraying the walls, floor, my face, etc. was Dr. Pepper. I felt sorry for Hunter because it scared him so much, so needless to say, it was a lesson learned-don't let your kids play with pressurized cans! Thanks to Kim for her quick clean up skills, so we were able to get back to our dinner!!

Here are some recent pics and videos from the last few weeks, hope they make you smile as much as they do us!

Hunter eating his watermelon and saying "tank you"

Hannah and Hunter sliding with their fireman hats

This is Hannah trying to stay awake after church, we were trying to keep them up for lunch so they could take a longer nap....didn't work so well

1 comment:

B-Mom said...

So cute. Julia loved/loves corn on the cob. we have pics of her like yours! Hey, I think we talked about this but is it still ok if Jason & family stay with you guys when we come down in May? Brad & family are staying with Jana & Keith and LaShay & Steve and Larry & I at Pam & Dickey's. I know we talked but just want to be sure all is still ok? Can't wait to get everyone together. IT is going to be so much fun to watch all the kids...and the little kids...have a good time together. Love you all!