Monday, March 16, 2009


Here is a video of Hannah and Hunter doing what we have dubbed as "circles". I'm not really sure where they learned this from, but being naked seems to always bring it out! It is one of there favorite things to do right now, and Kevin and I have a hard time stopping it because it is just too plain funny. Hannah gets dizzy pretty fast, but Hunter can go for a while...he sometimes crosses his eyes afterwards.....that's ok right??...


Sunday, March 15, 2009


Katy and Adalee came over tonight for dinner, and she brought me a "tag" for my diaper bag that she made for me. We had recently talked about how easy it is for the people at the nursery at church to mix up the bags, because we didn't have their names on it, so Katy being her crafty self, came up with her own! I was so busy talking that I forgot to take a picture of Adalee while they were here, who was adorable as usual. But, I did get a shot of my new bag decor after they left, I decided that this was too cute not to show off! I told Katy she should go into business, what a good idea!!

New pictures, new camera, used playhouse!!

Well..I finally caved in and got a new camera!!! I guess Kevin finally got tired of hearing me say how much I hated our old one, so he forced me to do it. Needless to say, I am VERY happy!! I have gotten a little picture crazy though, which has forced me to try and organize them. I just created a shutterfly account and a website that everyone can see all our pics. It's too hard to capture everthing in a blog, so I thought this would make some people happier (Pam, Dad, Kim, etc.)

And...I finally found a used playhouse on Craigs List! It's not too fancy, but they could care less. The weather has been yucky for the whole week, so they haven't really gotten to break it in yet. Kevin's Dad was kind enough to help me pick it up last Monday, and with the help of his trailer it made it back all in one piece...Thanks again Dickey!

Here are a few pics from the last few weeks, but for those that are interested in more our shutterfly website is: