Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day

The kids celebrated Valentine's this year with a fun party at school. They were so excited because this was their first time to make and exchange Valentine's with their friends...the last few years their party has fallen on a day they were not a school. I took off a few hours from work to help out with the party...I was totally impressed at how well behaved their class was. I expected a ton of chaos with all the extra "party" energy the kids had, but their teacher had a great handle on them. Each of the kids got a chance to pass out all of their Valentine's to each was so sweet to watch. I have a great video of them singing Jesus Loves Me, if only I could figure out how to download videos! I had to sneak out right when they were starting to eat their desserts, so I'm not sure what happened after they consumed massive doses of sugar, but I'm assuming they were perfect little angels:)
Be sure to check out the recipe blog...I'll be trying to post some of the Valentine's treats I made!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Hannah and Hunter started a co-ed indoor soccer program at the rec center last week and are loving it! I had no idea how entertaining it would be to watch a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds run around playing soccer....their first game was total chaos but so much fun. I decided to take Hannah out of dance for a little while, partly because I wanted her to try something new and partly because it was Hunter's turn to do something he wanted to do...and he really wanted to do soccer! They have practices every Friday and games on Saturday mornings. This past Saturday was their first game...they had a double header. To say the kids were exhausted after the games would be a major understatement. What made it very interesting, was that the second team they played they had to switch goals....this totally through the kids off and they were pretty much kicking the ball to the wrong side for the first half of the game. They won the first game and lost the second...the teams don't really keep score....but Kevin does:) Kevin has been able to help the coach a lot with the practices and the games so that has been really neat for the kids. Both the kids did great for their first game....Hunter really jumped in and wasn't afraid to get in there and kick the ball. Hannah (sweet, shy, girly Hannah) got out there and kind of froze up for a while...I don't think she expected there to be so many people in the bleachers. She also took a pretty good tumble and bruised her elbow at the beginning of the first game. She surprised me and hung in there though, and actually kept up with the kids following the ball for the next game. I'm not really sure soccer will be Hannnah's thing, but I'm glad she is at least trying it....and she loves her pink shin guards! We are very proud of both of the kids and can't wait for the next game!

We bought the kids a goal from Academy so they could practice at home...unfortunately we haven't been able to use it outside because it's been so rainy and wet, but the kids had a great time practicing their goalie stances and tough faces

before their first practice

right before the first game...notice Hannah yawning?

hunter hanging out with the boys on the sideline

huddling up with their coach, strategizing:)

my sweet boy