Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hannah's 1st "Real" Haircut

So we finally did it, long overdue....Hannah got her first "real" haircut! In my attempts to let it grow long, I had somehow let it get to this strange half-curly, half-mullet stage, so I figured we should go ahead and have it trimmed. She has had a couple "at-home" cuts that didn't really turn out so well, so this was a pretty big deal for us!

I took her to Snippets at the mall because that's where I always take Hunter and I knew she would be excited about the suckers and prizes. When we got there I overheard the lady next to me in the waiting area ask the receptionist if she could request to wait for the next lady to cut her son's hair....I quickly figured out that it was a new guy that had only been there for a week or so. At that point I almost did the same thing as she had done, only because I know how shy Hannah is with strangers...especially men for some reason, but I decided to just go with it and take our chances. Sure enough, about a minute later "Tim" walked up and called our name. Let me just say that he did an amazing job with both of them. Hannah turned on the shy bug immediately, but he was so good with her, and I knew she was lovin' it. Hunter did awesome too, this was the first time he didn't scream when they turned the clippers on! I felt kind of good when we left and the lady who had passed him up was still waiting for her child to be called.....

Tim (he kind of reminded me of a cross between Jack Black and Will Ferrell), and Hannah putting on her saddest face....I mean could you get any sadder?
Hannah, still trying not to smile....I knew deep down she was lovin' it

I think I see a little smile.....

Yep, there it is!

One braid and three stickers in the hair later, the much anticipated of course!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Kevin decided to get the kids their first fishing poles recently, so a few weeks ago we went over to his parents and took them fishing off the pier. Hunter caught one the second his cork hit the water, and Hannah got one a few seconds after that. They had a blast and talked about it for a week, so I'm pretty sure we have many years of fishing in our future!