Monday, January 26, 2009

Another deal!!

I completely forgot about their new tent! Another thing I have been eyeing at Target was a little frog tent. I kept checking it to see if it went on sale and sure enough, it was on the clearance isle for half-price. I thought it would a good place to Hannah and Hunter to play in since they seem to like things like that. I tried to build a fort for them recently, and it didn't turn out very well. It turned out to be adorable (although a lot bigger than expected), and they love it!!

Delayed gratification saves money-who knew??

Many of those who know me well know that I am a huge advocate of coupon clipping. I am proud to say that last week at the grocery store I set a record of $62 dollars in savings (coupons alone). The cashier at Kroger's seemed to be very impressed, and I left the store with a sense of great accomplishment! Each time I get home I am so excited and can't wait to tell Kevin-I think he may think I'm a little overboard now, but I know deep down he really appreciates it - you can do a lot of things with 60$.
A few days later we made a trip to Target for various things. On a previous trip, about 2 months ago, I spotted a shirt I really liked for 14.99. I was so close to getting it, even took it out of the buggy, but decided it was something I really didn't NEED. I am really trying to buckle down with spending and think about my purchases, but I did not forget about the shirt. Each time we went to Target after that (we go ALOT), I checked to see if it was on sell. It took about two weeks for it to reach the clearance rack-it went down to 10.99, I continued to hold out. I checked again probably the next week-still the same. I really almost forgot about it when we were there Saturday. As we were getting ready to leave I told Kevin I needed to check on something and sure enough it was still on the clearance rack-this time for $2.47!! Needless to say, I was thrilled. They had it in a few different colors so I decided to get 2 of them because I liked it so much. I left Target that day babbling to Kevin about how amazing it was to just wait a while for things that you want, and that I got 2 shirts for less than 1/2 the original price! I'm not to sure he really understood the big deal, but he seemed enthusiastic. To me, however, it was a secret challenge that I had won!
I realize that many people may think I'm a little crazy for making such a big deal over a shirt for $14.99, but to me it was important ( and no, I don't have to much time on my hands). I guess being a partial stay at home mom , I am really trying make a difference no matter how small-because it adds up. So from now on, my goal is to not buy anything unless it is on sale........or I have a coupon for it....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Trying to keep them busy!!

Here are are some new pictures of me trying to entertain Hannah and Hunter. Recently, I feel like I am running out of things to do with them to keep them entertained! I guess they are doing more now and are always on the move-it's tough to keep up. They are also close dropping their morning nap and just having one single nap. I've noticed that they are sleeping less time-so I guess that's what that means????? I'm not really sure at what age that is supposed to come, but it seems to make sense to me. Point is.....I have to come up with a lot more stuff to do with them, so if anyone has any good ideas, let me in on them!

The picture below of Hunter sleeping is after Kevin's family "Christmas" the weekend after New Year's. They both wore themselves out so much, they fell asleep before we even had the car in gear to go home. Those close to us know that Hunter is not a big fan of diaper changes; needless to say, he didn't wake up at all while we transferred him inside and changed him into his pj's. They slept until 9:00 the next morning!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I can't believe Christmas is already over, it went by way too fast! Despite Hunter being sick with a virus, we had a great time. Christmas Eve we spent at the house with my mom. Christmas day Kevin's family, and my Dad and Kim came over for lunch. The kids were a little more into the gifts than last year, but were still mainly interested in the tissue paper. It was really a quiet and simple Christmas compared to how we usually travel all over to see different families, so we were able to relax a lot more.
Today is New Year's Day and Kevin and I are really bored. We pondered a trip to Walmart to get some things we need, but I am too scared to bring the kids out because they will probably catch something else. I do realize that we eventually have to leave the house, but it's just not worth it right now! We have spent the day outside on the new slide that Pam and Dickey gave them, and trying to teach them how to eat with a spoon by themselves-it got pretty messy as you will see in the pictures!!