Well today I turned 30. To be honest, I have had a hard time with this birthday. It kind of makes me feel like I'm getting old, which I haven't really ever felt like before. I've started looking closer in the mirror and noticing things I hadn't noticed before....girls, you know what I mean. Everyone keeps telling me that 30 is the new 20, so I'm going to gonna go with that! I ended up having a wonderful ordinary Thursday with the kids. We went to the library this morning for a puppet show and to check out books, then to eat lunch with Kevin. Kevin surprised me with a new cell phone, which I desperately needed. I've had an ancient flip phone forever, and for anyone who texts me, they know it takes me hours! I had a little bit of a meltdown because I couldn't figure out how to use the darn thing, but I'm getting better now. After lunch I went to the chiropractor (with kids in tow) for an adjustment. I go every few months now, and after a bunch of cracking and popping, I felt awesome. Then we went to visit my mother for birthday cake and ice cream. Oh, and did I mention I've been to two different Targets today? Once with the kids, and once without. Now that's my kind of day. Thank you to all of my friends who have been so uplifting to me about this birthday, you are all so sweet and kind. I had a wonderful day!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
23 hours ago