Sunday, January 31, 2010

Potty Training X 2

Well, it has been 8 days and counting since we've seen a DIAPER in this house! I finally got the nerve up to face my fears and dive into the whole potty-training experience. Let me tell's been an experience, but surprisingly not nearly as bad as I had envisioned it being. I had been letting them use their potties for about the last 2 or 3 months but still putting them in diapers, mainly because I just wasn't ready to face all the messy situations yet. So one night last week I decided it was time to take the next step, and I'm really glad I did.

Saturday before last was the big day, and I made sure Kevin was off that day so I could have lots of help. I had decided that we just needed to stay home and make a weekend out of it, and was fully stocked with lots of undies, wipes, timer, potty books, and of course the elmo potty movie. I had read somewhere to get a timer and set it where they can hear so they know that when it goes off, it's time to go. The first two days, we literally took them every 20-30 minutes to go, which was really fun and exciting the first 10 times, but got to be very exhausting after that. The timer really helped out though, we ended the day with only 1 or 2 accidents each, which is way less than what I was expecting. We had our first diaper-free dining experience at Applebee's this past Friday...we managed to eat a nice lunch and then go to the pet store with no accidents, they LOVE going to the restrooms now in public places, which is good I know, but still sooo germy. I was feeling so proud and good about everything until we turned onto our road on the way home and Hunter started yelling he needed to pee-pee....we tried to make it in time, but didn't...oh well, still not too bad. Today was their first time to go to church in their underwear. When we dropped them off they put big potty training stickers on their backs, and we made sure to let their teachers know that they for sure needed to take them pretty soon. Well, when we picked them up I asked the teacher how everything went and she said she kept asking them but they told her they didn't need to go.....I was fully expecting to take them and find them soaked, but were shocked to find them totally dry. They actually went 2 1/2 hours with no problems! I still have been too scared to let them wear them while they are sleeping, so for now the are wearing a pull-up for their nap and bedtime...we'll worry about that later I figure.

So I won't go into any more details, other than to say that this has been by far the most challenging thing I think I've done in a long time. It was definitely not easy, and we still have a lot of ground to cover, but at least we have made it this far and it's a start! I'm so proud of them for being such good troopers, I hope they can keep it up I have such a new appreciation and respect for all the other mothers that are going through or have been through the same things, and I can not wait until this phase is past us and our lives can return to normal again! Wish us luck!!

Here's some pics of two silly kids who are seriously proud to be wearing their underwear:

this was actually their first time putting their undies on...I told them to show them off, Hunter is screaming "underwear" if you're wondering

1 comment:

Katy said...

Make sure you take lots of notes on this potty training business so that you can pass them on to me! The pictures are so funny....I love the one of Hunter yelling underwear and of Hannah where it looks like she's doing the robot! Funny!