So, we've made some major changes at our "casa" the last few weeks...and I am soooo happy! We just finished adding on a covered patio, fully fencing in our backyard, and probably the most exciting (for the kids) getting a swingset. We've been thinking about getting them one for a long time now, and they absolutely love it! Hannah could just swing all day if I let her, and Hunter loves the slide. The first time he went down it, he shot off the end like a's got a pretty steep slope on it. So far, we've only had one busted lip....I'm anticipating more things to come, but so far so good. And let me just say how AMAZING it is to have a fenced in backyard with very active twins, and 2 dogs. I honestly don't know why we didn't do this years ago because I can already feel my stress-level going way down. I used to be a basket case with them outside because I was constantly trying to keep my eyes on both of them (always wanting to go different directions of course), now I can just let them run free! The last part of our project list is getting the house painted, which is still in progress, so I will try to post some pictures of everything else soon!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
1 day ago
Love the new swingset!!
Your swingset looks awesome - what fun!
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