Sunday, December 5, 2010

Babies, babies, and more babies!

Well, I've definitely gotten my "baby fix" in recently with the arrival of three adorable little babies. I had kind of forgotten what it was like to hold such little ones, and it certainly brought back some sweet memories.

First up, Baby Bryce. Bryce is actually about 4 1/2 months old now, and is absolutely adorable. This little boy is truly a testimony that miracles do happen, and that our God is so good. I made the trip up to Roundrock and got to see him for the first time a few weeks ago. I had such a good time catching up with my good friend Monica and her husband Doug,and it was my first time to see their house since they moved a few years ago. I also got to see our friends Jaime and Larissa, and their baby Maya, who moved from Willis to Austin last year. It was really a fun trip, and a special visit for me.

Me, Monica, and Bryce

proud Dad Doug

Larissa and Maya

Next up, is Keith and Jana's little boy Brady. Brady is only a few weeks old, and is also precious. We got the chance to visit with Jana, Kaitlyn, and Brady last night and he is one of the best babies I've ever been around. He somehow managed to sleep through all of the crazy noise that Hannah, Hunter, and Kaitlyn made....

look at that cute is that?

Two very eager and excited 3 year olds...they were actually being very gentle...just doesn't look like it here

Kaitlyn, Hannah, and Hunter playing dress, those kids can have some fun
Brady after he finally woke up....

this is what he thought about all the craziness

And last, is one of my best friend Jennifer's little baby boy Collin. Collin is about 5 weeks old, and is once again....adorable! We drove to Houston today to see Jennifer, her husband Tim, and the baby and somehow I managed to not take a picture! I guess we were too busy eating, and talking that I totally forgot to get one. I'm bummed about that, because he is super cute. Hopefully we will see them again soon, and I will post one!

I'm so happy to have met each one of these little guys, they are all blessings. I have a feeling that Hannah will be re-naming all of her babies tomorrow. She is really into her baby dolls and taking care of them right now, and I can tell she has been taking in every little detail....

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