The last several weekends we have been going down to the boat ramp in our neighborhood and walking down along the lakeshore line, doing a little fishing and letting the kids run around and have fun. For those that don't know how dry Lake Conroe is, it's dry...really dry. Pretty much all the beautiful houses in our neighborhood that were once lakefront property are now beachfront. It's so weird to look around and see land and islands everywhere in places that were always under water before. I will be so happy when we can get a ton of rain to fill it back up again, but for now.....we are going to enjoy our newfound "beach". Kevin and I have been fishing, while the kids run around picking up all the clams that have was onshore and throwing them back in the water. It's really pretty fun, despite the unfortunate conditions. Might as well make the best of things, right?
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
1 day ago