Well, Guess who couldn't wait to give Hannah and Hunter their birthday gifts? You guessed it, Grandma and Grandpa Hutchins. Pam and Dickey called last night to ask if they could come over and give them their gifts early, they seemed very eager and excited, so of course we said yes!! Hannah's big gift was an adorable pink pony that plays music. Hunter's big gift was a cornpopper lawnmower that he can push. Hunter can't quite stand up to push his yet, so of course they both wound up on the pink pony! They seem to really enjoy their new toys, I think they may even help them learn to walk. We are so excited about the birthday party this weekend. I can't wait for them to smash their cake.
We also went to the mall this past weekend to have individual pictures taken-the photographers did a really great job, I was impressed. I think Hunter may have modeling in his future, he was his usual goober self, grinning the entire time! We finally managed to get a few smiles and giggles out of Hannah-she is tougher to take pictures of, but they turned out beautiful! We really enjoyed their individual time, and plan to do it again soon. Yesterday, Hannah, Hunter and I went to visit Jana and Kaitlyn. They did really well-Kaitlyn seemed very happy and is growing so much-she was very entertained by the twins.
Well, tomorrow they will be one year old-I can't believe it. Usually I am not a very emotional person, but for some reason this is hard for me (so I will probably cry). I feel like they are growing up so fast, and I want to be able to savor each moment. Kind of bittersweet I guess. I will update soon with pictures of the birthday party, we can't wait to see our family and friends!! Love----Mandy

Hannah On Her Pink Pony

Hunter on Hannah's Pink Pony