We are finally back home after Hurricane Ike hit on September 12th. Our neighborhood was hit pretty hard, trees and powerlines down everywhere. Amazingly, our house and our immediate neighbors were not damaged. God must have been looking down on us, because we initally thought it wasn't too bad when we looked out the windows to survey the damage-but as we tried to drive through our subdivsion, we realized it was a lot worse-and it looked like it had missed our house completely. Of course our power (and just about everyone elses) was out. It just came back on Friday afternoon. The first 4 nights we stayed with Dickey and Pam. Pam had converted the office into a nursery last year-so we were fortunate enough to have two cribs for Hannah and Hunter to sleep in. Kevin and I put a mattress down on the floor to sleep on. For everyone that knows the size of their office-it was a pretty tight fit for all of us, but actually worked out well. They had a generator, so we had a small window unit ac in the office, and were able to use the refrigerator. We are so thankful to Kevin's parents, especially Dickey, because we know it was a lot of work-and they kept us very comfortable. We were hearing stories that the power may not return for a few weeks, so on Tuesday we decided it would be a good idea for me and the kids to go stay with my brother Craig in Marble Falls. Kevin stayed home because he had to look after the store. I had never been able to visit them since they have lived there, and it was beautiful. My brother Craig and his wife Janna also have twin girls Annie and Taylor-they kept the babies very entertained. We are so gracious to them for opening up their home to us-and we enjoyed the visit. FINALLY, Saturday my brother drove us back and met my Dad in Giddings to take us home. I love road trips and spontaneous traveling, but I have never in my life been so excited to be home!!!! Hannah and Hunter were equally excited to be home and play with their familiar toys. Here are some pics and videos of our "Ike Vacation". Love-Mandy