Thursday, February 19, 2009


I am really starting to hate the word "no". It seems like the past month that is ALL I say, ALL day long. An example of our average day is something like this:
"No Hunter, let Hannah play with that too please...No...No, give it back to her...Hunter, nooooo, do not pull on the dog's ear...No.No Hannah, do not smash the food in the dog food bowl with your feet...No, mama says nooooo.Hannah, no, you may not dip your broom in the dog's water bowl and mop the floor with it, nooooooooo."
Don't get me wrong, I really think that we have pretty well behaved kids...most of the time. They are just really starting to challenge me, and frankly the whole concept of disciplining really terrifies me. I miss the days when I could just utter the word no with a frown on my face and that itself would stop them in their tracks. Hannah is still pretty good about listening most of the time, but Hunter is a little more challenging. He really gets a kick out of testing me to see how much he can get away with. He has also recently started throwing little mini tantrums when things don't quite go his way. I read somewhere that you are not supposed to say "no" too much, or it won't be as effective--I guess that's what has happened. I have now resorted to making a loud yacking sound whenever he is doing something bad. Kevin is not too fond of my new "sound", it sounds something like a cough and a duck call. I did the "sound" the other day in the car when he was trying to steal Hannah's juice, and Kevin said it startled him so much that I should warn him before I do it. I feel really helpless and frustrated sometimes because I don't want to be a mean parent, but yet I want them to be disciplined and well behaved at the same time. I guess this is just part of them growing up, I just wish I could find a way to be more effective with them. Hopefully I am not the only one that has gone through this????? Even on the worst of days though, I realize that our good times outweigh the bad times, and that's what keeps me going. That, and the fact that they are so stinkin' cute. Here are some recent pics from the last few weeks. Enjoy!
spaghetti face
riding horsey with Gammy and Grandpa Hutchins
We just couldn't resist......
At Katy's after Adalee's dedication at church
another spaghetti face

Little stinker

Hannah w/ paw-paw

Hunter w/ Paw-paw (notice the coordinating shirts??)

Valentines weekend before dinner and a movie!

Sleeping beauty


Anonymous said...

Coordinating shirts must be a family tradition...your pops and Hunter, you and Kevin. Try throwing shoes at the babies when they do something you don't want them to do. Just kidding...don't really try that! I like the spaghetti faces! You must make some yummy spaghetti!


Anonymous said...

love her onesie, love to unsnap it and undo her nappy, get some lovely close up pics of her tiny sweet c--t, switch to video and video me rubbing and fingering her then putting my head between her legs and eating her lovely bald pu--y