Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nothing makes me happier.....

.....than a really clean house! Well, there are other things that make me just as happy, but having a clean and organized house is right up there at the top of my list. This morning I got up planning to do some light cleaning and laundry, that notion quickly was thrown out about halfway into cleaning our masterbath. I ended up doing an impromptu deep cleaning of the entire house. bottom. I think my caffiene and ocd traits had taken over me, because I just kept going, and going, and going. I can't remember the last time I detailed each room, not only cleaning but organizing and getting rid of junk that we had acquired throughout the year.

Along with the cleaning, I also managed to go through all the kids toys (upstairs and downstairs), sorting through all the ones to sell in the garale sale (that we are never going to really have), and chunking the random toys that they never play with. Lord, those kids can accumulate some stuff!
As I was cleaning I found myself bringing all their downstairs toys up to their bedrooms and playroom. Hopefully this will entice them to play more upstairs and in their rooms....hence we can actually have our living room back to normal. Also, after noticing what bad shape the couch was in, I established a new rule. FOOD AND DRINKS ARE ALLOWED ONLY IN THE KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM. Kevin and I are still allowed to eat in the living room, after the kids go to they just won't know about it. We will see how long that rule lasts.....

After I just didn't think I could move another muscle, Kevin got home from work and we decided to wash my car in the driveway. Hannah and Hunter think this is the COOLEST thing in the world, and what better way to let them get their energy out. They had spent all day inside, watching way too much tv, and trying to find things to do while I cleaned, so this was the perfect thing for them to do! Days like today remind me how much I truly LOVE having twins. These kids are seriously best friends and keep each other entertained all the time.

In case you're wondering....when we came outside to wash the car Kevin had trapped a GIGANTIC GRASSHOPPER in the kids bug farm. This thing totally freaked me out, it was huge!!! Kevin swears it was just a grasshopper, but I'm not so sure. I made him let it go in our neighbors yard. This picture doesn't even give the full effect to how gigantic this thing was

And here's the carwashers

Kevin cooling off

hard at work

he looks so big to me in this picture

Kevin would kink the water hose so the water would stop and them wait for them to get close to it and let it go.....they thought this was hilarious

Here's Hannah waiting...

wish you could hear her cackle as she laughed

And of course a popsicle was a must for all our hard work

I told them to make funny faces

Man, I love these kids!

****A special thank you to the two red-bulls that kept me going strong all day long, and to the 3 Advil I just took...they should be kicking in any minute now I hope*****

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summertime Pics

Summertime has been awesome so far this year, despite the heat! We've spent a lot of time at our neighborhood pool (the kids love their floaties now), and have been eating way too many sno-cones. I've been working 3-4 days a week lately, so I'm trying to take advantage of my days with the kids and keep them busy. Right now the kids favorite thing to do is go to the pool, and go to the library. We discovered that our library has a great toddler time with different performances for the kids, and Hannah and Hunter love it. I let them each check out two books each time we go, and they think it's so cool. We go back tomorrow, so I'll try to sneak some pics. Here are some random pics from our summer so far....

Kaitlyn's 3 Year B-Day Party....back in May!

Playing their pool version of ring around the rosey with their pool friends

Hannah....laying out like Mommy

Hunter had to do the same

Kevin conspired with Katy to throw me a surprise 30th birthday party! He told me we were going to drop the kids off at Pam and Dickey's for the night and go out to eat and to a movie. When we pulled up to their house all of my friends and family were waiting in the front yard....I really was totally surprised by it, Kevin did really good. I was so busy talking and mingling, I didn't get a ton of pictures, but here's a few of the kids.....they definitely had fun!