Along with the cleaning, I also managed to go through all the kids toys (upstairs and downstairs), sorting through all the ones to sell in the garale sale (that we are never going to really have), and chunking the random toys that they never play with. Lord, those kids can accumulate some stuff!
As I was cleaning I found myself bringing all their downstairs toys up to their bedrooms and playroom. Hopefully this will entice them to play more upstairs and in their rooms....hence we can actually have our living room back to normal. Also, after noticing what bad shape the couch was in, I established a new rule. FOOD AND DRINKS ARE ALLOWED ONLY IN THE KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM. Kevin and I are still allowed to eat in the living room, after the kids go to they just won't know about it. We will see how long that rule lasts.....
After I just didn't think I could move another muscle, Kevin got home from work and we decided to wash my car in the driveway. Hannah and Hunter think this is the COOLEST thing in the world, and what better way to let them get their energy out. They had spent all day inside, watching way too much tv, and trying to find things to do while I cleaned, so this was the perfect thing for them to do! Days like today remind me how much I truly LOVE having twins. These kids are seriously best friends and keep each other entertained all the time.
In case you're wondering....when we came outside to wash the car Kevin had trapped a GIGANTIC GRASSHOPPER in the kids bug farm. This thing totally freaked me out, it was huge!!! Kevin swears it was just a grasshopper, but I'm not so sure. I made him let it go in our neighbors yard. This picture doesn't even give the full effect to how gigantic this thing was
Kevin cooling off
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